Stock Grades

Clearance: This is Stock is Grade A Stock that has never been sold. The Stock is deemed as “New” as it is unsold. However, please note that packing may be slightly worn and the goods may have been opened to check.

Grade B: This stock has been received back due to reasons such as Customer Changed Mind/ Not at Home and also Stock such as Lost Property. We do not grade as “Clearance” as we can not be sure if all stock is 100% as new. The goods are still not checked by us, so bear in mind you may find faulty goods and/or seconds.

Returns: These are Raw Returns. All Stock is UNTESTED by us. You will find used items, part items, faulty and damaged goods in these lots.

Grade D: These are TESTED Customer Returns. These goods have been returned as Faulty/Damaged. You may also find new/used part items, and some stock that can only be used for spares.

Mixed Grade: These lots contain a range of the grades above. All Stock is UNTESTED by us. You will find new items, part items, used, faulty and damaged goods in these lots.